Pánt 10 PA 45
Technické údaje
Série: Groove 10
Typ: B
Mae (mm): 70 x 50 x 8,5
Materiál: PA-GF schwarz
Hmotnosť: 0,0405 Kg
TIN: 101108
CAD Údajov
zo skladu
Série: Groove 10
Typ: B
Mae (mm): 70 x 50 x 8,5
Materiál: PA-GF schwarz
Hmotnosť: 0,0405 Kg
TIN: 101108
CAD Údajov
zo skladu
PA hinges are suitable for attaching lightdoors and flaps. A twisting fuse is attached to the bottom that reaches into the groove. Can be built with all profiles of the series 10 in grid 45
PA hinges are suitable for attaching lightdoors and flaps. A twisting fuse is attached to the bottom that reaches into the groove. Can be built with all profiles of the series 10 in grid 45
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