Upínací profil 8 32 x 18

Technické údaje
Série: Groove 8
Typ: I
Mae (mm): 6040 x 32 x 18
Materiál: AlMgSi0,5F25 natur eloxiert
Moment pohodlia I x: 1,850 cm4
Moment pohodlia I y: 1,067 cm4
Moment odporu W x: 1,140 cm³
Moment odporu W y: 1,185 cm³
Hmotnosť: 0,657 Kg/m
TIN: 100590
CAD Údajov
zo skladu
Série: Groove 8
Typ: I
Mae (mm): 6040 x 32 x 18
Materiál: AlMgSi0,5F25 natur eloxiert
Moment pohodlia I x: 1,850 cm4
Moment pohodlia I y: 1,067 cm4
Moment odporu W x: 1,140 cm³
Moment odporu W y: 1,185 cm³
Hmotnosť: 0,657 Kg/m
TIN: 100590
CAD Údajov
zo skladu
Aluminium profile in natural anodized application from European production The clamping profile is particularly suitable for the construction of enclosures and doors Clamping profiles are particularly suitable for the construction of doors and enclosures Tolerances for cuts according to DIN ISO 2768 Part 1 m
Aluminium profile in natural anodized application from European production The clamping profile is particularly suitable for the construction of enclosures and doors Clamping profiles are particularly suitable for the construction of doors and enclosures Tolerances for cuts according to DIN ISO 2768 Part 1 m
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Vypnuté 8.59 €/m netto
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⮮ Rez je obmedzený medzi min. 20 mm a max. 6000mm
Preprava s balíkom služieb je možná až do 2400mm
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pre barware Žiadosť statný relé cenu
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⮮ Rez je obmedzený medzi min. 20 mm a max. 6000mm
Preprava s balíkom služieb je možná až do 2400mm
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